Invited Speakers
About ELM
Expression, Language, and Music (ELM)* is a biennial conference that brings together researchers from linguistics, music theory, anthropology, neurobiology, cognitive science, philosophy, and more, with the aim of integrating recent findings and insights from diverse perspectives concerning, e.g. the significance of emotional expression for both music and language, the importance of systematic structure in both music and language, and the interrelations between expressive, musical, and communicative capacities and their relevance for understanding the emergence of language (in ontogeny and phylogeny). Future conferences may focus more narrowly on a subset of these topics.
Core Organizing Committee
Dorit Bar-On (UConn, Philosophy; ECOM)
Edward Large (UConn, Psychology; IBACS)
Erika Skoe (UConn, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences)
Aliyar Ozercan (UConn, Philosophy; ECOM)
Whit Tabor (UConn, Psychology)
Harry van der Hulst (UConn, Linguistics)
Stefanie Acevedo (UConn, Music Theory; IBACS)
Utku Sonsayar (UConn, Philosophy; ECOM)